
Find me on social media.


Hey all! I thought I would just give a quick update on all the various social media platforms you can find the blog on. I would really love it if you would go follow, like, pin, etc the blog in one or all of the platforms. Also, I love to meet new people so leave your link below to where I can find you so we can start up a conversation.

<a href=””>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Instagram My personal instagram can be found here. Nick’s instagram is here.

Facebook I just created a page for the blog, which can be found here.

Pinterest I promise to one day only pin diy’s I will actually do, in the meantime go check out my pinterest here.

Twitter I sometimes tweet here.

Snapchat I often snapchat … username is: LuzGarduno

You can also now subscribe to the blog with just your e-mail. I hope this helps create more of a community. I can’t wait to hear from you guys.

Xoxo. – L