I normally would not speak about politics on the blog, but this time I just have to let it out.
My heart is numb. I cannot wrap my head around what I experienced last night, what our country experienced. As I sat in my living room, watching the votes come in, with every state that became red my heart sunk a little further. I could not believe this was happening in the country I love.
Growing up I yearned for the right to vote. As a first generation immigrant, much of my childhood was filled with insecurities, fears, and more importantly hope. Although I was unable to take part in politics I always kept informed.
Fast forward twenty something years later and I am now an American Citizen. This was the first election I was able to vote in. Voting is different as a parent. You think about how this presidency will affect your child, not just now but in the future. Will this presidency completely change the future of our county for the worst? I believed that this beautiful country I fought so hard to remain in would make the right choice. Nonetheless yesterday night my nightmare became a reality.
Thinking about it, I may not be scared of what our elected president will do. I am scared that despite everything, our country, our people believe him fit to represent us. My heart breaks to know that my son will be going to school with children whose parents believe that bullying, bigotry, racism, sexism and many other isms are okay, as they have elected a man with all of these characteristics to represent us.
This man does not represent myself or many, many people in this country. This country has been built on the exact opposite of what this man represents. Above all I have to say that I am disheartened because I now realize that hate, bigotry, and prejudice is more prevalent in this country than I could have ever imagined.
My son is a US Citizen, as is his father and myself. But will he now have to face other’s beliefs about his family members being rapists and drug dealers. Never mind his mother who came here as a child and persevered despite all odds because her immigrant parents gave everything they had for her.
I am hopeful that this will only last four years and that the elected president will be kept in check. In four years my son will be almost 6 years old. I will try my best to continue supporting the idea that he can and will be anything he wants. That he doesn’t need to fear our beautiful country. That in the end love will in fact trump hate. And hopefully, these will be four years that at the end we can easily close the door on and move forward from.
To say that Trump is not my president does not mean I will not respect him. Of course, respect has to be earned and he will have to respect all of the people of the United States first. Nothing that he has said or done throughout the election merits him our respect. At least not the respect of Black and Brown America.
I ask one thing of you Mr. Trump, have the decency to rightfully represent all of the people of this country.
And as for Mrs. Clinton, thank you. You have given little girls everywhere the ability to dream and now even more of an urge to fight. Hopefully sooner rather than later we will shatter the highest glass ceiling.