Since becoming a mom, I have strived to feed my son the healthiest foods. This does not mean that I always feed him organic, or that I have a zero sugar diet for him. It means that I try to avoid [as much as I can] “bad” food or drinks…
Tag: attorney mom
Product Review & Giveaway: Hotmilk Lingerie Nursing Bra
I had that motherly instinct since the very beginning. I knew even before I took a pregnancy test that I was expecting. Something inside of me felt different. And you know what else felt different? My breasts. I was definitely surprised that at the outset of my pregnancy my breasts…
I took my baby to Coachella: My experience and why.
Last year, my husband and I decided to take our then ten month old son to the Coachella music festival. We have been avid Coachella music festival-goers for about five years now, minus the year I was pregnant. Therefore, we had some experience with the festival and what to expect.…
3 Tips to Help Your Child Master Sleep, plus Little Sleepyhead Pillow Review.
When you are expecting, the number one advice you receive is: enjoy yours sleep. I had zero complications during my pregnancy, I slept like a baby until a day before my son was born. Our son’s first night was perfect, he was born close to midnight and after all of the…
Lessons For My Son About The New U.S. President.
I had planned a post regarding the Presidential Inauguration as a follow-up to the post I wrote the day after the elections, which you can read here. For some reason, however, I just could not sit down and write. Maybe it was my subconscious trying to avoid the subject altogether. I’m…
Reminiscing On Past Years to Create New Year’s Resolutions.
For a few years now when I think about New Year’s resolutions I go back to December 2010, the last holiday season that my father, mother, and I spent together as a family. The thought usually plays out like a traditional movie shot from outside the home, the camera looks…
A Day At The Natural History Museum with a Young Toddler
Visiting museums has always been an interest that my husband and I share. No matter how many times we visit the same museums, we always find something new and fascinating. My personal favorites are always the dinosaur exhibits. Needless to say that I was pretty sad when my husband and son…
My Mom’s Mexican Champurrado Recipe
It’s finally cold in California, and by cold I mean it’s finally under 70 degrees. Now the real fun starts, we get to partake in all of the “cold weather” activities that others have now been enjoying for weeks. One of my favorite things to do when it’s cold outside…
Toddler OOTD at the Petting Zoo.
Do you ever feel like you get lost in the hustle and bustle of life? To be honest, in October I felt like I was trampled. Life at the office was hectic, to say the least. I had court more times than I can remember and although I love going…
5 Books Your Young Toddler Will Love.
“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.” – Dr. Seuss When I was a child, on Saturday mornings my mom and I would walk to the city library, where she would let me check out as many books as I…