Reviews & Giveaways

Maybelline Super Stay Matte Ink Review

I love lip products as much as the next girl, so of course when Influenster told me they were sending over some complimentary Maybelline Super Stay Matte Ink lippies I was ecstatic. Note: I received the product for free from Influenster in exchange for my honest review. The content and…

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Toy Story Themed Second Birthday Party

The fondest memories I have of my childhood are those of my birthdays. Every year, with the little money we had, my parents managed to make my birthday parties magical. As a mother myself, now, knowing how magical birthdays are for little kids I hold myself to the bar my…

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My Mom’s Mexican Champurrado Recipe

It’s finally cold in California, and by cold I mean it’s finally under 70 degrees. Now the real fun starts, we get to partake in all of the “cold weather” activities that others have now been enjoying for weeks. One of my favorite things to do when it’s cold outside…

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