
October Mommy & Toddler Favorites.

As I write this, it is October 30th, Halloween Eve. October is at an end and we are just four weeks away from Thanksgiving and seven from Christmas. Is it me or does time go by faster as you grow older? I think that this is all relative, meaning that…

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Adventures, Lifestyle

Our Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Today we took Nick to the Pumpkin Patch, one of or our yearly fall traditions. I was excited because last year Nick was only three months old and did not really know what was going on. Also, because the weather was nice and cool, unlike last year when it was…

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Lifestyle, Nick Style

September Target Haul

This page contains affiliate links, via Target, for which I receive a very small amount of compensation and at no charge to you . However, all views, target obsession, and opinions are 100% my own.  Woody Cowboy Boots. 2. Dino PJs. 3. Mickey Mouse T-Shirt. 4. Mickey Mouse Halloween T…

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How to nurture a fearless toddler.

“You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.” – Tina Fey No, I am not crazy, my fourteen month old has yet to go down a waterslide. But, a few weeks ago my husband came back to…

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My wild.

“I am your parent, you are my child. I am your quiet place, you are my wild.” – Maryann K Cusimano As a child myself, I never truly liked parks. I was an odd child, to say the least. I loved being home and playing “office.” I wanted to go to…

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I can’t even keep a succulent alive.

If you’re in California, you know that the craze right now in the garden world are succulents. This is mainly due to the drought that California is experiencing. In order to help the cause, instead of picking out regular flowers, I decided to pick up some succulents. My plan was…

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